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  • mbwatts

A Roman Wedding Summer 2021 . part 1

Updated: May 11, 2022

This blog will necessarily be more sympathetic than most of ours. Indeed may even be unapologetically soppy in parts. I did ask "why here?" Not convinced I ever got the answer! Anyway : (Apparently) For no other reason that I can fathom, than that the happy couple once enjoyed going somewhere else completely(!), that isn't now available, our great friends Jack P and the beautiful Hannah are tying a Windsor knot in Tuscania, north of Rome. Scicily wasn't available, this is.

Delayed by the pandemic we hope this heralds a return to some normality!

Fair play, it is beautiful here. this is the entire reason we have been travelling from Scicily up to Italy with the intention, finally, of getting a free lunch!

So Thursday, was the first gathering of the entire wedding party. Pizza, wine and reunions!

extraordinary hosts - many thanks on behalf of all the guests!

As so often seems to happen when our friends get together, I was forced to over indulge, my memory is perhaps a little sketchy. A speech by Freddie certainly rates with one of the best I've heard, and sets a very high bar for the coming wedding speeches, well done young man!

Tales from the toon
Speeches - some said an older, less attractive Ed Shearan?

Much expected and richly deserved quality piss taking! Uni tales from Durham, Jak the Lad, the hardest man in the north, a lingering undercurrent of anti-Etonian sentiment, the unfortunate Barnaby, and the gentlemanly way JP wormed his way into Doddsies life (my polite version) in the back of an ambulance!

Day 1 of the wedding ended well back (literally) at our ranch, with gin and Martini Fiero (around £12 at Ocado- do not miss this point!).

Day 2 into the sweetest village of Tuscania for lunch ( for 5 with tripe(?!) beans, gnocchi, beer and wine etc €50! Very nearly the free lunch we came for!)

I've decided the wedding itself deserves another soppy post which I shall write later. Just to say so far - how amazing this is turning out to be!!!! More later .....,

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