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  • mbwatts

Caldesi in Bray

We have wanted to get back to Caldesi in Bray ever since our last (first) and rather unusual experience there.

Our only previous meal there was in heady pre-pandemic days, maybe 2018. When we arrived, we noted three slightly mismatched couples at the neighbouring tables. The atmosphere was subdued. We assumed business meetings. There was much furtive glancing from table to table and the staff were uneasy. We wondered if we had stumbled into a hostage situation?

Our fears were heightened as blue flashing motorcycle police drew up outside. A table for four was being polished repeatedly, glasses shone and re shone.

It didn't make for the most relaxing situation.

Clearly very late and in contravention of the Caldesi "15 minutes late and you've lost your table policy", the then prime minister Theresa May tottered in on heels slightly too high for a woman already weighed down by the pressure of failing to secure Brexit. Palpable relief from the other guests now clearly identifying as personal protection officers.

I couldn't look away. I'm sorry. I was distracted! And hence I was very poor company, and don't remember the food at all!

But it does in a longwinded way introduce Caldesi. Terri as I now like to call the exPM, is famously diabetic. Rather than buy a low carb recipe book, if I were Prime Minister, and MP for Maidenhead, I too would use this healthy Italian restaurant to control my blood sugars. By the way I'm pretty sure she nipped out the back for a fag at one point!

Situation update:

Four years later. Terri couldn't do Brexit. Boris did. Trump and Covid happened to the world. It's Friday, end of September 2022, the world and uk economies are subject to new catastrophic pressures from war in Ukraine, Putins threatens to use nuclear weapons, and we have crippling energy costs. Our new prime minister, The Truss, and her sidekick Kwesi Lamont have crashed into this situation and made themselves as welcome as Margaret Thatcher at a coal miners convention.

So I feel the need to apologise for going out for an expensive meal. Sorry. It was to belatedly celebrate 33 eventful and wonderful years of marriage. Will you forgive us and read on?

I was surprised and delighted to get a table which I booked today! But then re-read the paragraph above and understood why. Even the leafy shires are suffering.

Wow, what a different experience from last time. It was amazing. I remember everything we ate and the memory will stay with me. On a personal note it was lovely to bump into old friends Jim and Lisa, not the prime minister, but way more chatty and fun!

Louise wants to interject into my blog at this point.

It was a lovely evening, don't get me wrong. The food was great. But Mick refuses to include the story of his encounter with the owner. He is embarrassed. So I shall!

Giancarlo Caldesi is great front of house. Welcomed us like friends, and later came to chat at the table.

I had popped to the loo at this point, so Mick met Mr C. at the table on his own. When I returned he was flushed with excitement. He literally burst with sycophancy.

Apparently Mick had told Mr C how wonderful his books are, and that he had given his two Diabetes specialist nurses copies of The diabetes weight loss book. The overwhelmed owner had coped with the gushing very well. Mick had taken this as an excuse to invite Our Host to speak at a patient meeting and emplored the poor chap to hand over his personal mobile number. Unsurprisingly at this point he wrestled himself free from Micks hug and fled back to the kitchens, ordering staff to keep a look out for Mick in case he was following.

As we left he was seen cowering behind a pillar. I swear to god. Mick was undeterred even at this point and slid up to him, and exclaimed at me "have you seen how slim this man is?" To rid his restaurant of this sycophantic creep , Gianfranco realised the only thing to do was hand over his number and agree to give a talk to Micks patients. Another embarrassing and hilarious episodes of brown nosing from my beloved. In the past 33 years there have been plenty of those !

So there you have it, I'm a creep.

That aside, I'll go back to the food. I thought I was wonderful company btw.

Firstly the Bray champagne cocktail pictured above was perfectly balanced and sharp without being sour.

Wine was a Gavi di Gavi at around £40 with delicious pear and apple notes, fresh and full.

Starter of carpaccio, mine Tuna and hers beef: both amazing - mine looked better (see top pic) - hers with the incredible salty parmisan was our preference.

Pet gripe, carpaccio served too cold to taste. Not an issue here.

My main, extraordinary calves liver with mash and the sage-iest sage butter with green beans. Certainly the best calves liver I've had. Small carb portion noted. Truly amazing dish. The proprietors favorite he told me as we became besties.

Louise had Sea Food Pasta special - with extra Calms - their spelling mistake! (Anagram) The poor waiter who had written the specials menu was suitable punished by Louise's ascerbic wit. She was delighted with the dish.

Five star food, in a lovely setting. Highly recommended. The white wine was removed from our table to keep cool, but staff were just slightly too busy to top up often enough for a couple of old soaks like us. Our only complaint! The cheese board was super generous and easily could have been shared. Louise had a negroni after which didn't disappoint.

Cost around £250 for two including very generous alcohol allowance!

Ambience staff and chef 9.1

Food 9.2 (....but 10 for both introducing the world to healthy Mediterranean low carb eating, and successfully not letting it detract at all from the food)

Decor 9

Experience 9.5

Hope I'm allowed back, but wonder if I'll be let in now I've read Louise's s section !

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