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C4R-FEST in Nessa

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

To say Louise wasn't exactly thrilled by my purchase of tickets for Carfest, would be a mild understatement. We've been before, and enjoyed it. Therefore, I incorrectly assumed a repeat trip would be appreciated.

In retrospect, of course, she is right. I should have asked! There are plenty of festivals, and discovering something new is our style, not revisiting.

However. Unless we somehow managed to negotiate the useless insurance I purchased with the tickets, we either go or loose a shed load of cash. (It appears a severed limb or death are the only reasons we could activate the policy). Louise did offer to whack me, but I felt that was a bit extreme.

A fixed grin, make the best of it, stiff upper lip approach was adopted as we neared the event. "Gok is doing a DJ set, at least I want to see that!". As close to excitement as we got in the build up.

Secretly I was looking forward to many of the acts, with Huge Boned Boy (can never remember his name), Ruby (repeat several times) and Paloma Faith up there, but guilty pleasure Steps not far behind. I hide my enthusiasm and adopt a matching martyrish resolve.

You will be saddened to hear that Nessa has been in van hospital this week. A waterworks issue damaged her undercarriage. All fixed by fabulous van-urologist and van-orthopaedic specialist Rhys from who is my campervan guru and general go to person for all things van.

Nessa back on the road, we head for Chris Evans self indulgent Festival. Juxtaposed, this fest positions itself as a very middle class, hippy, vegan, child friendly, petrol head affair. Middle of the road music and of course, Chris Evans. Vegan food stalls with the delightful backdrop of a Macdonalds sponsored play zone.....

Wheel spins and petrol guzzling track displays presumably neatly carbon offset by the energy generated by the vegan Poo fuelled composting toilets.

Carfest South
Rag n Bone man

Laverstoke Farm is, as far as I remember, Jodie Scheckter's farm. Ex F1 African racing legend, turned biodynamic farmer. Great setting. Farm with a race track.

Our second festival of the year in Nessa.

Impenetrable arrival instructions include: turn your sat nav off AND leave the M3 a couple of junctions early. Of course we ignored this, ploughing off through Basingstoke. (The home of Liz Hurley and Tara Palmer-Thompkinson the sign reads.)

Arrival was pretty direct, by pure fluke! No directional sign until we arrived at our turning. Then the festival started. 80 minutes queueing for access in a line of the newest VW Transporters this side of their factory in Wolfsburg.

I'll give you the highlights for me:

A cringingly awful interview hosted by Linda Barker of Philip Glennister and Rob Brydon. Barely rescued even by the razor sharp Brydon. The hosting was so bad it was unmissable.

Next, the superbly inappropriate interview by Russel Brand of his wife. About her child friendly crafting books. He managed to touch upon crystal meth, his barely concealed lust for AJ Pritchard of Strictly fame, his suggestion that politicians breaking lockdown rules should be exterminated, and a brief advert for microdosing hallucinogens. Delivered to an audience of mums and kids out to learn how to make vegan playdoh! Unforgettable. He's a very funny man, whose brain is wired differently from the rest of us mortals. Personally, I would even choose Linda Barker as interviewer next time!

We also saw a great gut health talk with Dr Rangan Chatterjee and Dr Megan Rossi. Interesting, entertaining and thought provoking. But sadly neither funny nor embarrassing.

So much for Starfest and Spafest, what about the music?

Louise was right.

However, that said, my personal faves were:


Faithless sound system

Basement Jaxx

Abba tribute Bjorn Again


The Feeling with Max Harwood

I failed to get enthused by Sunday headliner Paloma Faith but it had been a long hard weekend by the time she came on. I missed Kaiser Chiefs in favour of supper. Nessa, steak and red wine were on offer!

Revelation of the weekend was the tiny Wigwam stage. We spent a wonderful sunny and drunken afternoon watching breakthrough artists. Very much more exciting, and ground breaking, than many of the big names on show!

Overall, the music was as expected. Middle of the road and mildly disappointing. The talks however were great!

The Spa and Food fests I would recommend. The camping area was really "fine"; but we were very glad of our Portaloo. The toilets stank and we avoided them at all costs.

Sad to say, Louise even missed DJ Gok's set.

Looking back it was a very enjoyable weekend. We arrived home early Monday morning, tired and hungover ! Next year I'll check in with herself before booking.

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