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The River Café - restaurant review 2022

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Having enjoyed a fun packed family Easter, it was nearly time to get "On The Run!"

Our big plan to get on the low road to Scotland in Nessa (our campervan conversion) had come together. But first we had an uncashed voucher for The River Cafe in Londons well healed W6. A lovely reminder from friends of my recent milestone birthday, we've been eagerly looking forward to this for some months!

(A rose tinted Charing Cross hospital as we passed this evening)

Nestling on the extortionately priced north bank of the Thames, east of Hammersmith bridge, in the shadow of our Alma Mater (affectionately known as the Cross), sits Ruth Roger's posh Italian wood fired establishment. (Or should I say Baroness Roger's of Riverside? Probably should as that is actually her title .... very grand)

This place has been a great favourite of ours over the years. We both started our NHS journeys at The Cross. That's where we met, and this is very special part of London for us.

Now that's a wood fired oven!!

To be frank, it can appear a little fawning. Victoria Beckam called it a great place to people watch! She's not wrong.

But the staff, if I'm being generous, were not great this time. Today, little time seemed wasted on the nameless guest who had patiently waited for a booking made months in advance. At work was some undocumented Fulham version of the Caste system.

A buffoned doyen of the 1970's Kings Road Set was nearly smothered by adoring staff.

A rather poorly enhanced celeb couldn't chat to her family, not only because her face no longer worked properly, but because of the swooning attention from management.

A sugar daddy, the image of an elderly Austin Powers, struggled to introduce his "niece" and explain why she only spoke Russian.

When Mike Meyers gets around to a reunion remake, this is where it will be shot. "Oh! Behave"

Michael Caine calls this his favorite restaurant in the world, so that will guarantee him a role in the film "Austin Powers does wood fired food".

Personally, I really didn't want two managers and three waiters crowded round us while we are out enjoying each other! Not that this was a problem for us. Catching the staff eye was our struggle.

But the food is why we came! And thankfully that didn't disappoint.

Spaghetti with crab for me, and, fittingly as we are off in Nessa in the morning to Scotland, Scottish Langoustine for Louise.

The spaghetti was dripping with more delicious Olive Oil than Popeyes privates. The langoustine on the other hand, fresh as a brisk scottish costal walk. The flavour combinations balanced to perfection.

Our turbot was soft salty smoky and superb. Veal chop was pink perfection. Very happy indeed with the grub!

The wine waiter was a lovely lad, but not perhaps the somellier we would rightfully expect in this level of venue. We asked for a white wine recommendation by the carafe. We were pretty specific "a light sharp dry fruity white please". He read the menu to us. We had already done that, it's impenetrable! We suggested the Soave and he agreed. I can safely say the wine list is completely baffling. I'm assuming this lad felt the same!

Here is an example page from the wine list, a prize for recognising anything here !:

The wine was lovely. The food superb. It's possible to be too quick with food when it's costing several hundred pounds. The people watching was awesome.

We had an early booking, because we were off travelling in the morning, the 6.30pm slot. At 8pm we were told we were to be re-seated as our table would be needed soon for the next sitting. We felt we were being rushed and said so. This is the other, less fashionable way to get attention here. Our waiter was flustered and unhelpful; as was the next rung up the staffing ladder. We aren't harsh critics, but they were rude!

The delightful manager Tom did apologise and explain. But there was unfortunately no way we could have espresso martini at this table. I'll wager David and Victoria don't have this problem.

"I'm afraid your sitting has ended" felt very much like "We need your table now for someone very much more important".

A disappointing end to the meal, not really compensated by Tom offering us a £100 voucher for our next visit. We may not be back to spend it.

Our cab home was booked for 9.30pm - we had, earlier, guessed we'd be ready by then. In fact we were out of the River Cafe before the 8.30pm "sitting". We had a drink at The Crabtree for old times sake, then paced the streets until our taxi turned up at the entrance to The River Cafe. The doorman automatically seemed to know we were going back to Slough.

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Aug 01, 2022

It's not a great image for a food blog is it!


David Price
David Price
Jul 31, 2022

Such a shame. I’d have gone for the 194 but only as we were just in Lucca. Can we buy your £100 voucher? x

David Price
David Price
Aug 01, 2022
Replying to

Also…”dripping with more delicious Olive Oil than Popeyes privates” needs to reach a wider audience than me and Reggie as you’re proof reading.,!! ;-)

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