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Palermo : Prombsā, Mexican dirt houses and very modern love

Learning to cook pasta, with chef Antonio and his friendly welcoming family, in sicily, in his home, with unlimited wine, we are IN! About €60 each

located some considerable car ride from downtown Palermo , by the time we arrived we were well acquainted with fellow travellers Charlie and Betty. relentlessly positive self promotion isn't our style, nonetheless they were pleasant and chatty company.

if you are in northern Mexico these superhosts,would, we are sure, offer a very interesting stay :

here they are:

Check it out! ... When you are in Guadalupe ...

Back in Palermo, it took us some time to understand that "Prombsa" and Prawns were one and the same! Louise was disappointed not to learn how to make fresh pasta, but this was so much more than cookery!

the other couple there, Siena and Karl represented a barely believable extreme of millennial nerd diversity! Nearly 29 and three quarters. Oh. My. God. Lockdown internet transatlantic remote lovers who met over shared passion for Game of -thrones and obsessive devotion to gaming, together physically for only 6 days this evening, their love has blossomed entirely on line. Would have loved to know more, but Antonio , cookery, and Charlie (5th generation sicily to NY emigre, got squarely in the way. tales from New York mafiosi, front row of an Elvis concert at aged 12, Palermo and Antonio's views of love, mafiosi, the Gambini family, his daughters first period, why fresh pasta is not necessary with fish, when to eat a raw mussel, (no choice given) how to prepare crostini using only 4 litres of olive oil (approx!) - an equal amount of white wine successfully lubricated the evening. lovely food, great wine , massive success.

Starting central Palermo at 6.30pm we were dropped back by around 0030am (thankfully by Salvo his sober son) while Palermo's answer to (MAFSuk) marriage at first sight were taken slightly faster by Antonio. I doubt they noticed they were so love struck, I was pleased to note they hardly checked their online universe once during the evening, and although it seemed unlikely their relationship would withstand the real world issue of Karl living in Sweden, and Siena living in Canada, we were very surprisingly invested in them!

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