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  • mbwatts

Van Nessa ..... is the love affair over?

Updated: Apr 1

Mid 2021 were locked down days, heralding seismic change for all of us. Giving plenty of time to slow down, reflect on life, step away from our individual rat races. Time for everyone to take a look at where we were going, literally and metaphorically.

At NHSontheRun, we were in particularly reflective mode, both because of our proximity to the coal face of the pandemic, and also our inability to really do anything about it. Our roles in Primary Care seemed less useful, despite the clapping.

That was when we discovered van life, Nessa and the joy of travelling freely.

Our enthusiasm seemed boundless. For the first year and a half we took frequent trips. We loved it, we documented a lot of our adventures. Britain was unknown territory for us, so much new to see and do.

But the last big trip we undertook in Nessa, was now six months ago. We came back in a rush. Regular readers might remember that my best friend Frank Kelly had tragically died unexpectedly and suddenly. I didn't write up our French travels as a result. Frank was not a fan of social media. It didn't feel fitting.

Nessa was then left for the winter. The winter has been cold, heating at home has been turned down because of energy inflation. We have been much more frugal, worn jumpers, and snuggled under blankets. In the cold and wet, the idea of going away in the van became less appealing.

The previous winter I had bothered to moth ball her properly. To drain the water tanks, wrap the boiler for the winter and leave everything ready to jump back in and go. This year we hardly even cleaned her up on our return from France. A bit like a kid bored with a new toy.

I'm pretty sure our love affair with Nessa is not over. But our slap dash approach to over wintering has backfired badly! After countless consecutive nights at minus 8*c the boiler tank and connecting pipe work burst. Van ICU has worked wonders and this Friday she'll be ready to pick up. Boiler fixed. Shoddy pipe work from the original conversion has been replaced and is now fit for purpose! A new heating system installed. I'm so excited again. Thanks to Rhys our go to van expert. Leisure-Pro

I feel like a neglectful parent. A lesson we probably needed to learn. As always, we learn the hard way. Some things can be fixed by throwing cash at them. But this is now more about rekindling the wonder and joy of being in a field alone, lungs full of fresh air, glass of red wine in hand, a steak on the grill and a wonderful country side view.

We are off to Yorkshire next week in Nessa. Let the adventures restart, and the enthusiasm be fully rekindled!

Update : Monday 27th March

Picked Nessa up from Rhys Friday. Spent Sunday cleaning and prepping. The shower doesn't work. The new heater smells of diesel when running. The weather forecast is for 70% rain in Yorkshire.

Last minute replanning meeting decides. Still aim for Yorkshire dales. But prepare to hunker down. Cosy Airbnb cottage in Markington

1 Comment

David Price
David Price
Mar 25, 2023

Don’t need resort to tabloid click-bait Michael. I’ll always read NHSOTR! x

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